Community-driven token for the people

Listing soon on PancakeSwap


About Us

ROCKETH, $ROCKETH, is a community-driven rewards token on Binance Smart Chain. $ROCKETH holders can earn ETH every 60 minutes just for holding $ROCKETH!

To help protect from whales dumping or from holding high percentages of the supply, we feature a 1% max sell and a 2.5% max hold.

The token is led by an experienced and dedicated team that has ambitious plans for the future of the token and its ecosystem.


There is an 15% tax with each transaction, this tax is broken down like so.

7% of every transaction will be distributed to token holders every hour in the form of ETH dividends. This allows $ROCKETH holders to earn passive income.

5% of each transaction will be sent to our marketing wallet to really send $ROCKETH to the moon.

3% of each transaction will be split, paired with BNB, and added to a liquidity pool so that there will always be $ROCKETH to buy.

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Fair Launch

A majority of the $ROCKETH supply will be added as liquidity on Pancakeswap.

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Passive Income

7% of every transaction will be distribute ETH to token holders in the form of Dividends.

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Liquidity tokens will be locked for 3 years using Murda Token Locker.






100 Million



How To Buy

Step 1: Get Wallet

Download Metamask or Trust Wallet and create a wallet. Make sure and keep your seed phrase private!

Step 2: Add ROCKETH

On Trust Wallet, tap the icon in the top-right and tap "Add Custom Token".

At the top, tap "Ethereum" next to "Network", and change it to "Smart Chain".

Copy the contract address below and paste it into the "Contract Address" box.

Step 3: Buy BNB

On Trust Wallet, tap on "Smart Chain" on the main screen, then tap "Buy" in the top right.

This step may require KYC verification depending on your country, so you should be prepared with documents to prove your identity.

Step 4: Swap BNB for ROCKETH!

Once your transaction has been confirmed, and you have BSC on your Trust Wallet, Go to "DApps" (or "Browser" for iPhones) at the bottom of the main screen.

For iPhone users, if the "Browser" button is not visible at the bottom, open Safari and in the URL type trust://browser_enable, then return to Trust Wallet.

Open the "DApps", or "Browser", and find "PancakeSwap". Connect Trust Wallet in the top-right and then scroll down a little to the "Exchange" box.

Click the triple-bar icon and set the slippage to 17%. By default, the time is set to 20 minutes, which is fine.

Next set the BNB amount that you wish to swap for ROCKETH. Just click "Swap" and wait for the transaction to clear, when you are ready. The transaction can take anywhere from a few seconds up to a few minutes, depending on network traffic. Once it's cleared, you will see ROCKETH in your wallet!

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